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COVID-19 Art Kits for Kids Distributed Countywide
As the Covid-19 pandemic persisted, it became apparent that house-bound kids around Putnam County were running out of creative things to do. Wanting to lend a helping hand to potentially overwhelmed parents, the Greencastle Arts Council, the Putnam County Mural Project, and the United Way of Putnam County, came together…
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION August 15-December 31, 2020 proximity [prok-sim-i-tee] noun nearness in place, time, order, occurrence, or relation Living together yet apart is an apt description of pandemic life. We are living in a truly historic moment—one that hasn’t happened since the outbreak of the Spanish Flu in 1918. The…
Greenlight Art Festival 2019
For the third year in a row, the Greencastle Arts Council was honored to partner with Putnam County Comprehensive Services in planning their annual art show and sale where community artists and artisans from PCCS Greenlight Studio exhibited and sold their work together. This year, the show, renamed The…
Supporting the Arts and Artists in Putnam County
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